Subject Pronouns

The subject of a sentence is a person or thing that performs the action of the verb.
Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject (person or thing) of a verb.

We do NOT normally say:
John is tall and John is intelligent.

We say:
John is tall and he is intelligent.

Singular or Plural – WhoMasculine or Feminine
ISingular – first personmasculine or feminine
YouSingular – second personmasculine or feminine
HeSingular – third persononly masculine
SheSingular – third persononly feminine
ItSingular – third personobjects / animals
WePlural – first personmasculine or feminine
YouPlural – second personmasculine or feminine
TheyPlural – third personmasculine or feminine

I always get along with my colleagues.
You are my best friend.
Walt doesn’t make enough money. That’s why he wants to make meth.
Mary is a shopaholic. She never saves anything for a rainy day.
The dog is so big. It is also hairy. (the dog)

We all need to love and be loved.
You are the best students I’ve ever had.
They come from a respectable family.